Making Mental Health Socially Inclusive

We provide a programme that is socially inclusive, with access to top quality psychotherapy and coaching, for a fraction of the cost. The MindFixers programme is tailored to help both adults and adolescents. We show you how to provide a FIX for the cause, and do so for less than £17 per session, which is an absolute fraction of the cost of a standard online therapist and much more effective! Both our programme and approach are unique. And they work. Permanently. As long as you are willing to work with them.

With one in four people suffering from a mental health disorder it is imperative that we create awareness showing our support that its not just okay to talk, but its important that you do. ‘No more stigma’; the person that is suffering stigma will feel as though they are socially excluded, isolated and mis-understood; desperate and alone. Our campaign seeks to create awareness in society by educating people to recognise that its important to talk about how you are feeling by removing stigma. It’s important that with your help we can let those that suffer know that they are not alone.

The NHS Constitution states that patients should wait no longer than 18 weeks from GP referral to treatment. The 18 weeks start on the day the hospital receives the referral letter, which unfortunately means that the patient could end up waiting far longer. Our belief is that this is far too long to wait for intervention. We can help fill the gap from seeking help to accessing it. Our courses run at least every 6 weeks, cutting the NHS wait time by 3 months. We believe that nobody should have to put up with mental health problems for longer than they have to

We also analyse online therapy UK services, couples therapy, and recommend the best online therapy platform.
A percentage of each fee we receive is donated to local government for local causes that are directly or indirectly affected by mental health issues, such as homelessness. We embrace the ethics of Localism and believe it’s our responsibility to fully support the ethos.
“One in four people will suffer some form of mental health issue in their life”
A New Way of Thinking: A New Life
At MindFixers, the MindFixers programme provides a Mind Fix, a reboot of the mind if you like, for almost everybody. Our approach is totally unique. The MindFixers programme is designed specifically as a preventative rather than a cure. Simplicity is its goal. Nearly all other therapies that are currently available provide advice for their clients with a ‘what to do’ approach by teaching coping mechanisms, but unfortunately this is only a relatively small aspect towards long-term change, overlooking nearly 80% of the battle when it comes to permanence.
2Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demler O, Jin R, Merikangas KR, Walters EE. (2005)
McManus S, Bebbington P, Jenkins R, Brugha T. (eds.) (2016)
Office for National Statistics (2016).
Children’s Society (2008)
The Mindfixers Programme
Jasmin Swayne
Article in The Sunday Mirror
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